Thursday, October 11, 2012

Math Academy

Due Monday, October 15th

My grandmother, Carla, is a really good seamstress. Next week, Carla plans on making a skirt, vest and a jacket.  Currently, she has 4 and 3/4 yards of material.  If the skirt requires: 1 and ¾ yards of material, the jacket requires 2 and 7/16 yards, and the vest requires 5/8 yards -  1) Does Carla have enough material?  2)  How do you know this? Be sure to use your initials and clearly label your comment.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

What should a grade reflect?

When a Progress Reports and Report Cards are presented to Parents and/or Guardians, what should it reflect?

In my opinion, Progress Reports and Report Cards should be a reflection of the percentage of material a child understands - and is able to apply - based on what was presented during the marking period. Overall, if the child gets an “A” they are able to demonstrate mastery of the curriculum at their level, correct?

How would you answer this question?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fewer Students Drop Out

I am pleased with the statistic informing the community of our lower drop out rate. The credit needs to be given to everyone involved with the education of the youth we serve especially the faculty who continue to improve program areas and make the preparation for life after high school more meaningful. In addition, we will continue our quest to further develop relationships with our students, parents, community members and businesses. What do you think our school could do to further improve what we offer?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The teacher in me

Due to a maternity leave and a shortage of math teachers, I find myself in the classroom helping a group of students summarize the semester’s course work and prepare for the final exam.  When students proficiently complete a competency and/or lesson objective, I have allowed them to use some of the math apps on my Ipad. Boy, are they having fun while reinforcing what they know or learning new material.  Let me know what apps you think I should include on my Ipad for my students to use?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Semester coming to an end.

Happy New Year!    May 2012 bring you and your family on a wonderful adventure.

During the next few weeks the students will be busy putting the finishing touches on projects, reviewing the semester’s course work, and taking final exams on the 19th and 20th. These activities will help us to meet our school’s mission to help our students acquire knowledge and prepare them to become healthy, active and productive citizens when they no longer attend Fall Mountain.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Use of Technology

In the future we are looking into issuing all of our students an electronic device for use at school and home.  Starting second semester, one teacher will issue a class Netbooks and another teacher issue a class Ipads. At the conclusion of the semester they will switch the devices allowing for a different class to use them for the Fall, 2012 Semester. By January 2013, we intend to have data on how to proceed with issuing our students a device to improve learning.

How do you think these devices could be used to improve learning?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Awesome teaching

Earlier today I viewed an awesome lesson where a group of our students were working together to conduct immigration research. The research was through the use of technology with their findings to be added to a class web site.